Friday, April 11, 2008


oh dear. 
t. appears to have hit rock bottom if recent events are any sign. m., e. and l. were seen yesterday locking t. in the car with them, where they proceeded to attempt an intervention. after attempts by t. to joke about the situation in a way to stall and plan a way to get out of the car, m. and l. did most of the talking while e. looked on, her eyes brimming with tears. mid-way through the intervention, it was discovered, at their aptly timed intervention, t. was still high. after hours of talking, t. promised to quit (again) and personally apologized to each one of them. but that could have just been because his high was dying down and he needed an excuse to get out and sneak another hit.

how long will this last? could t.'s mysterious weekly plans on friday from 6 to 8 have anything to do with this? and if so, is it helping feed his addiction, or is he really actually trying to change and perhaps attending AA meetings?

what will be rock bottom for t.? if an intervention with the people t. spends most of his time with won't work, what will? 


l. was seen dressed to impress tonight heading out into the night with a cigarette in one hand and a half empty bottle of vodka in the other. is the stress of all the current conflicts getting to be too much for her to handle? if she returns to her party girl roots will it be just for the night or longer? i'll stick around to see when, or if, she drags herself home.
e. and m. head home for the weekend, and the sex, drugs, and rock and roll come out in full swing. hello, hangover central.


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