Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Meet the Cast

e. has 3 boyfriends. the boyfriend, a weekday boyfriend, and a boyfriend for those crazy summer nights. she might have one for the crazy winter nights, but that hasn't been confirmed.

m. goes to all the parties. everyone says if she's not there, then it's not a party. which is true. she's glam and the paparazzi love her. jealous? everyone else is. when she's not partying, she's saving the elephants. what selfless redeeming thing have you done lately?

c. is a rockstar. the harmonica hasn't been so cool since dylan. also, he died and came back to life.

d. is currently working for the man, but the truth is that he's an undercover spy. don't tell anyone.

t. is a world class poker champ. he's so good, he's banned from vegas.  he's a cumpulsive liar but that's helped along the way while assuming alternate identities.  yet when it comes to real life, t. can get himself into some trouble seeing as  he's currently seeking rehabilitation for illegal drug use.  

l.  is the artist.   she spends her days musing over the complications of life and death.  no man has ever been able to obtain her.  her cropped hair and piercing brown eyes would stop any man in his tracks but don't stare too long, this dame can turn into a wolf in the blink of the eye. 

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