Wednesday, April 30, 2008

the ham is making new friendships, and some are closer than others. 

e. has been getting close with her volleyball teammate jazmine. finally a friend of the same sex! and she and cute math boy have also been pretty talkative lately. m. has been spending so much of her time with philip, we've practically forgotten what her face looks like. and not to be out done, l. appears to be locking lips with warren piece. ah, new friends. but i wouldn't get too attached to them, after all, none of it is facebook official yet. and if it's not on facebook, it's not official.


Tuesday, April 22, 2008

all's quiet on the home front, a certain sign of a storm brewing....

Sunday, April 20, 2008

since the last post, a lot has certainly happened on the ham.

d. has been lost at sea. but separation is natural.

e. may have a fifth boyfriend, but she'll have to fight m. and l. for him. as l. fights for him, she's also fighting to survive in the art world as she struggles to defend her status as an artist. after all, an artist has taken ap classes, and has a website and portfolio on hand at any time, an amateur doesn't. where will she fall in the eyes of critics? artist? or amateur? 

the boyfriend came up for the weekend to see e. leaving the weekday boyfriend free to do as he pleased. former schoolmates dts came for a rare performance in the ham, kicking off the weekend. luckily, the performance didn't set anything on fire this time. m. and l. went to an after-party at the 28 while e. and the boyfriend had an after-party of their own. m. and l.'s after-party went into the early hours of the next day by the time they finally stumbled home. it looks like firemen may be making guest appearances on the ham in the future. after all, who knows how to party better than a fireman? and, lucky for m. and l., there will finally be someone to put out all the fires. from the events of friday night, it looks like m. and l. have ended their fight and all is forgiven. let's just hope l. doesn't forget to tell m. about the soup-of-the-day and, consequently, forget about m. 

saturday afternoon was spent by e., the boyfriend, and l. playing tennis at a country club with anna kournikova. she reportedly was heard saying that they are fierce competition and she learned a thing or two about them to add to the speed of her serves. impressive! this was followed by a low key night at the movie theater watching the comedy '88 minutes.'

Friday, April 11, 2008


oh dear. 
t. appears to have hit rock bottom if recent events are any sign. m., e. and l. were seen yesterday locking t. in the car with them, where they proceeded to attempt an intervention. after attempts by t. to joke about the situation in a way to stall and plan a way to get out of the car, m. and l. did most of the talking while e. looked on, her eyes brimming with tears. mid-way through the intervention, it was discovered, at their aptly timed intervention, t. was still high. after hours of talking, t. promised to quit (again) and personally apologized to each one of them. but that could have just been because his high was dying down and he needed an excuse to get out and sneak another hit.

how long will this last? could t.'s mysterious weekly plans on friday from 6 to 8 have anything to do with this? and if so, is it helping feed his addiction, or is he really actually trying to change and perhaps attending AA meetings?

what will be rock bottom for t.? if an intervention with the people t. spends most of his time with won't work, what will? 


l. was seen dressed to impress tonight heading out into the night with a cigarette in one hand and a half empty bottle of vodka in the other. is the stress of all the current conflicts getting to be too much for her to handle? if she returns to her party girl roots will it be just for the night or longer? i'll stick around to see when, or if, she drags herself home.
e. and m. head home for the weekend, and the sex, drugs, and rock and roll come out in full swing. hello, hangover central.


Wednesday, April 9, 2008

arguments have risen among the ham cast regarding creative differences. as popularity for the documentary grows, c. proposes grandiose ideas for  various things to be implemented into aspects of the show. as though it isn't juicy enough already.

t. and l. debated heatedly with c. about punctuation over titles among other things. as the debate escalated into an argument, e. and m. rushed to push the cameramen out of the local hangout, the atrium. e. was seen the next day with bruises on her forearms. did the argument escalate into an all out fist flinging brawl? the cast refused comment. 

a spin off may be the answer as c. feels more and more that he is not given enough airtime and considers completely severing himself from the others. he was reportedly heard saying he was the reason why the show is as successful as it is, and if he leaves, all viewership will leave too.

what will be the future of the ham? will it survive the cast's creative differences? can it survive? or, must all good things really come to an end?


Sunday, April 6, 2008

a secret inside source has confirmed e.'s hot winter night boyfriend. 


could it be that e. is acquiring a guy not only for every time of the week, but also for each season? men are like bags after all, some are more fashionable during certain seasons. will this turn into too much for e. to juggle?


Friday, April 4, 2008

the cast has barely started a new quarter, and already they're neck deep in trouble. 

m. and t. are back to being even more mysterious.

word on the street is that e. has caught herself a man for her hot winter nights. how does she keep up with all of her bf's? or, more importantly, how do they keep up with her?

m. is acquiring a rock collection, marveling the collection of amanda bynes. it's the only not-mysterious happening in her life. a quick look into m.'s planner and she's got a male visitor lined up for the night. an old flame revisited?

t. was occupied from 6-8 friday night. doing something. cameramen were not allowed, raising suspicions between m. and l. so much that they have begun to plan an intervention due to suspicions of more drug use. 

e. took a road trip south to visit the boyfriend causing things to be slightly quieter on the home front.

l. and m. spent the evening analyzing the artistic aspects of a.t.u., choosing a break from outside drama with a night in.

d. is alive and well according to an inside source.

c. is back on the scene in the ham after a two month hideous.  the girls welcomed him back freely, but who knows when he'll be giving them the cold shoulder again.   currently though he's frequently joining e., m., and l. for luncheons. he also recently assisted in the girl's new endeavor to find a new home so they can be together next year.  (who knows what drama and confrontation will arise out of this new living situation)  c. and d. are looking for living quarters as well.  the rock-star and the misunderstood sailor, who knew such dreaminess could be contained under one roof?  but it might be rough with d. getting used to his land legs and c. playing music whenever and wherever his musical muse seduces him.  not to mention their frequent female encounters. this could get very interesting.  

e., m. and l. are busily searching for a new home, as e. and m.'s current living situation will end sooner than expected due to a jealous landowner.  e.'s fighting for the master bedroom, because more room means more men.  but l. secretly wants in it so it may be converted into an art studio and m. has her eyes on the extra closet space for her new designer duds.  

a week in, and it's already deliciously interesting.  will t. be caught in the act?  and will e.'s personal life take a toll on her schooling?  will c. stick around to even see what will happen next?  

well i don't know.  but i will soon.  stick around, 'cause the temperature's getting turned up.


Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Meet the Cast

e. has 3 boyfriends. the boyfriend, a weekday boyfriend, and a boyfriend for those crazy summer nights. she might have one for the crazy winter nights, but that hasn't been confirmed.

m. goes to all the parties. everyone says if she's not there, then it's not a party. which is true. she's glam and the paparazzi love her. jealous? everyone else is. when she's not partying, she's saving the elephants. what selfless redeeming thing have you done lately?

c. is a rockstar. the harmonica hasn't been so cool since dylan. also, he died and came back to life.

d. is currently working for the man, but the truth is that he's an undercover spy. don't tell anyone.

t. is a world class poker champ. he's so good, he's banned from vegas.  he's a cumpulsive liar but that's helped along the way while assuming alternate identities.  yet when it comes to real life, t. can get himself into some trouble seeing as  he's currently seeking rehabilitation for illegal drug use.  

l.  is the artist.   she spends her days musing over the complications of life and death.  no man has ever been able to obtain her.  her cropped hair and piercing brown eyes would stop any man in his tracks but don't stare too long, this dame can turn into a wolf in the blink of the eye.