Thursday, June 5, 2008

thursdays are for: dinner dates and finding out t. has friends besides m., e. and l.! 


at least, he has a friend. sources are trying to figure out if it's actually a stranger t. payed to pretend to be his friend. either way, aren't they cute?? they even sort of match.

t. is headed up to canada for the night with his "friend," supposedly to gamble (another addiction),but from his history, it's likely he's headed up there to score some quality drugs. not even m.'s good friend dr. phil could help and now he's headed up to our northern friend to get stuff "you can't even find here!"

e. and l. are headed for a day trip to china to promote the release of the ham followed by a quiet chinese lunch. then e. will be headed to a 253 party for a birthday celebration. m. plans to study hard for the end of the school year by also heading south to the big city for an alcolbration.

don't say the ham never left with a bang. the pressure's building, and when it blows, it's sure to be explosive. let's just hope someone will be there to pick up the pieces.

signing off,

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