Saturday, February 21, 2009

Rihanna isn't the one appearing with bruises, L. was recently seen with a large bruise on her left thigh. A close friend reports M. took L. out for a night on the town and while they were at the Rouge L. got into a fight after one Jaggerbomb too many. No report on if M. or a stranger was the offender. L. declined comment.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

L has recently been seen gulping down cold medicine by the bottle. is she sick? insiders say no. ever since she made an appearance on the hip/hop/rap scene last year she's been getting crazy ideas maybe her ex co-worker Lil Wayne rubbed off a little too much on her. hopefully she won't start getting face tattoos but if she does i bet it will be the next big thing once l. does something everyone from Taylor swift to Madonna follows suite. oh, the tragic glories of being in the public eye.

E. was seen getting fashion advice and rummaging through M's closet for the perfect dress to wear on valentine's night. knowing her it's bound to be a busy night. M's closet beats all of the the trendiest boutiques and admittance is rare. the last dress she loaned out the girl got engaged in. is it magic? or just great style sense? it's too soon to know.

Allie, M's bestie has been seen acting very curious. M has her on lockdown until she cools down. perhaps someone leaked drugs into the apartment a very bad idea knowing the socials' ground rules. give A drugs and you will never be seen on the upper west side again.

pictures have surfaced of T's wear abouts. he's pictured somewhere in south america. hmmm isn't south america known for good cocaine? more to come soon.

we'll keep you posted.