Saturday, November 22, 2008

time has passed and things have changed.  here are the big updates.

the ham cast were texting with t. when he wanted to borrow one of their hot little sports cars to do who knows what with.  the ham refused and offered other alternatives... like the bus.  just because the ham can afford putting one of their sports cars in the hands of a drug and gambling addict doesn't mean they will. besides, he could sell it for smack on the street.  instead of accepting their advice and using it to help him problem solve, he decided to start a text fight. one thing led to another and t. showed up at the loft's parking lot asking for e. to bring his stuff to him because  he didn't want to show his face in the apartment. e. refused and instead left it outside their door for him to pick up on his own accord.  he texted "end transmission" and hasn't been heard of since.  and so a long standing relationship with the ham ended over a text. i guess one day you're in and the next day you're out.  sorry t., but you are out. and it was on your own accord.

m. has a hot new rock star boyfriend causing her to constantly be off at band gigs and staying out at bars for days on end.  l. and e. joke that when m. actually does come around, they barely recognize her.  what effect will this new guy have on the ham cast?  could it be you get rid of one troublemaker and get another?

e.'s boyfriend has challenged her other boyfriend z.e. to a wrestling competition and whoever wins gets e. he seems to believe that all e. cares about are feats of strength. i'm betting my money on the boyfriend winning. also, e. was seen in disneyland's new giant maze with miley cyrus.  apparently they're best friends now. while there, taylor swift came storming after them and started trying to fight e.  she wouldn't say why, but i have a feeling that e. has a new boy in the mix and i think he's a jonas.   

friends have been lost and guys have been found.  it's no wonder there aren't as many updates, it's hard to keep up with such crazy lifestyles.  there will be another update after the holidays for sure. if you're good, maybe santa will be kind and bless you with a post before the new year.  

xoxo and merry holidays!